Thursday 16 August 2012

Some More Poems


for the heartbeat
of the earth

for the dewdrops
from the leaves

to the teardrops
from my eyes

for love emotions
from my heart

listen to the earth
listen to my breath

the path

go along the paths
enjoy the freedom
smile to friends and foes
you are what you are
scribble the words
and speak your heart
for your heart speaks
and hugs
and re-joys
and endevours
the pains of darkness
the woes of forgiveness
the immense measures
that collect the tears
that break the heart
that reveals the truth
that threspass the unknown
that believes in the myth
and survives

I know who I am
And that I have a god within


the crucifix
is the sign of pain
you chose to sustain
the big smile
is the life you regain
when you conquer the pain
sofia the beauty queen
of wisdom
had a vision that was seen
by the few
by the chosen dupes
I have built sandcastles
on the dunes
I have cheated the waves
I collected the grains
to sow them the next year
my crucifix
is the darkness and void
that remains
when I am not
when the end is the god
of eternal madness

Il-Ktieb(The Book)

L-istorja tal-ktieb toħodna lura sekli sħaħ. Sekli li fihom il-bniedem ħabbel moħħu biex jara fejn u kif jista’ jirreġistra ħsibijietu u hekk ikollu xhieda ta’ dak li kellu xi jgħid jew jagħmel. Il-ktieb sar il-passatemp ewlieni għal ħafna nies. Passatemp għall-kittieb u l-qarrejja u, xogħol għall-istampaturi u l-pubblikaturi. Il-ktieb sar ukoll mezz ta’ komunikazzjoni sabiex l-awturi jwasslu l-ġrajjiet ta’ pajjiżhom lil ġnus oħra li aktarx kienu jgħixu ħajja differenti minn tagħhom. F’pajjiżi kbar u għal ilsna partikulari l-ktieb sar ukoll industrija.

L-istorja tal-ktieb f’pajjiżna hija waħda antika li fiha nġabru l-għemejjel u x-xogħlijiet ta’ bosta awturi u riċerkaturi ta’ ġrajjietna. Iżda sfortunatament iċ-ċirkulazzjoni tal-ktieb f’pajjiżna, aktar u aktar bl-ilsien Malti dejjem baqgħet waħda limitata. Kellha tkun l-inizjattiva tal-kittieba u l-pubblikaturi li minn żmien għal żmien taw l-injezzjoni meħtieġ biex żammew il-ktieb ħaj. U magħhom, naturalment il-qarrejja li mimlija ħeġġa dejjem sabu l-aħjar mogħdija taż-żmien fil-qari.

Fl-aħħar snin tperrċu ħafna ideat dwar il-futur tal-ktieb. Bl-avvanz fit-teknoloġija bosta bassru li l-ktieb kien se jispiċċa għax in-nies kellha titħajjar iddur lejn il-kitba u l-qari mill-mezzi teknoloġiċi aktar u aktar mat-twelid tal-internet. Kienet rivoluzzjoni qawwija li riegħdet is-sisien tas-sistema tradizzjonali kif konna nafuha għal għexieren kbar ta’ snin. Kienet biċċa uġigħ ta’ ras ġdida għall-awturi u l-pubblikaturi li bdew ifittxu kull mezz attraenti sabiex bih iżomm l-ktieb fil-wiċċ.

Illum nistgħu ngħidu li l-ktieb għadda minn dan il-maltemp b’wiċċ il-ġid. Rebaħ fuq il-ħalel u l-irwiefen u għadda ’l quddiem. Dan għaliex il-bniedem fehem li l-kelma miktuba u maħżuna fuq l-ixkafef tal-librerija hija l-aqwa mezz u l-aktar wieħed realistiku.

Illum il-pubblikazzjonijiet żdiedu anke fil-gżejjer tagħna. Bħal f’kull żmien ieħor insibu kotba li jagħmlu sens u tħoss li għandek tixrihom u żżommhom għaliex jibqgħu jgħoddu bħala kotba ta’ referenza. Proċess li wasalna għalih grazzi għall-inizjattiva u d-dedikazzjoni ta’ bosta awturi Maltin u Għawdxin – li mingħajr ma fittxew l-interessi personali għamlu l-istudju u t-tiftix biex ħarġu kotba ta’ livell f’kull qasam. Ma rridux ninsew ukoll lil dawk il-ħafna li ppubblikaw kotba mmirati għall-iskejjel, kotba akkademiċi kif ukoll dizzjunarji. L-ammont ta’ ħin għal xogħol bħal dan m’hemm l-ebda ħlas għalih!

Għalhekk, minn din il-paġna, filwaqt li nissuktaw nagħmlu kuraġġ lil dawk l-awturi li jiddedikaw parti sew minn ħinhom għal dan ix-xogħol, nappellaw lill-poplu tagħna biex japprezza x-xogħol ta’ valur kbir li qed jistagħna l-letteratura u l-istorja ta’ pajjiżna.  Dawn huma awturi li għandna nħossuna kburin bihom. Dawn huma kotba li jagħmlulna ġieħ u jkattru l-għerf u t-tiftix tal-awtur fil-paġni ta’ bejn il-qoxra tal-ktieb. Għalhekk, minn hawn irridu nħeġġu lill-qarrejja ta’ dawn il-gżejjer biex minn żmien għal żmien jersqu lejn il-libreriji ħalli minn hemm jiġbru u jdommu l-ħidma sfiqa tal-awturi Maltin u Għawdxin.

Nota:  Għajjejt nidħol fi ħwienet u mmur f’restoranti u meta nitkellem bil-Malti jgħiduli biex nitkellem bl-Ingliż.  Tgħid se nispiċċa stranġier f’pajjiżi?

Tuesday 13 March 2012

How and why I write - francis galea

It is not a question of being a writer or even to write. It just happens or you find yourself in that environment unintentionally. Behind it all, there’s the childhood imagination and fantasies. The idle moments when you’re on your desk surrounded with text books which you start to loath.(hate).  Pencil in hand, you automatically start scribbling, drawing lines, whatever. A sort of magnetism attracts you towards other books and material which has nothing to do with the syllabus.

Generally, students are geared to study and obtain certificates. I was never a conformist and even in my closet I used to feel angry against routine established patterns. I always felt greedy to read, because through reading I could travel away; travel to where the author takes me and travel in my imagination.

This is what started me on this rough road. At first I used to write only poetry and a short story every now and then. Poetry was inspired due to my love for literature, but also from the volcanic eruption of songwriters during the 1960’s.  The protest songs, the cry for liberation, flower-power, human rights, all these themes used to effect me a lot especially when as an island we were kept isolated by religious restrictions, censorship etc.

I’m not a full time writer, but I wish I was. Since 1975 I have managed to publish ten books. It’s true that there are three more in the pipeline, but still, I could have managed more if I had more time and if I was more disciplined. By this I do not want to deviate the argument, since after publishing my first novel in 1975 and a book of poetry eight years later, I was gripped by another

Reading leads you towards new horizons. Firstly, I was keen to read the classics, but later on in my mid-twenties I started to read a lot of non-fiction books which opened up a new path. Fascinated by our archaeological heritage, I used to visit these sites and write my thoughts which used to lead me to ask inquisitive questions. I was never satisfied with the standardized presentations of the prehistoric views of the Maltese Islands. After over 22 years of reading and researching I had to publish my findings in the book Malta fdal Atlantis in 2002.

In this way I took off to sail the vast ocean of research.  Suddenly the Biblioteca became my second home. The late 19 century and early 20th Century local newspapers became my daily reading. You have to work hard to recreate the past as it really was, as our ancestors lived it. I was hooked and gripped with the socio-political affairs and the historical changes of an island colony between 1880 and 1933. In fact, my first researched book Ma’ Sebħ is-Seklu based on the life and times of Guliermo Arena editor of one of the first Maltese newspapers Il-Ħmar, was published in 1990.

When you are researching you get to know other occurrences, other people who you believe should have been given more credit. So you keep on sailing and traveling across the waves. Then suddenly you find that you have enough material to finish your project, and this led me to the release of two new books in 1999 and 2000. The first one was and still is one of my favorite piece of works, Is-Sedizzjoni in which I treated the sedition case of 1933. In the meantime, I was collecting all the relevant information about the Maltese Labour Party MPs and activists since 1921 which I published a year later. Prior to these two publications I managed to re-read and publish an autobiographical novel about my experience in the Sahara desert, titled Erba’ Snin.

It is pleasant and entertaining to write, but it is also very painful. It is even more painful to be as accurate as possible and loyal towards history and the readers by presenting the all the relevant references and documentation. One must remember that a lot of documents have been lost during the World War II. Items of news value were mostly limited to what was happening in Valletta and the port area. Newspapers were mostly made up of four pages one of them dedicated to adverts. So, researchers feel more than happy when occasionally they find a couple of lines here and there.

At times you might feel dry and writing a poem or two a month is not enough. Writing only poetry did not seem to give me the ultimate satisfaction. During these tough periods you gradually realize that writing became part of you. And to write one has to read a lot. So you get worried when you don’t write. It’s not when you do not write for a day or two. It’s that desperate long dragging period of a week or two!  It only happened to me once, and I found the right therapy in translating. In that miserable experience I almost finished translating Rousseau’s The Social Contract. Today I have to admit that I’d rather not finish the final fifteen pages!

In mid-1987 I committed myself to another undertaking. Approached by the then editor of a the Sunday newspaper it-Torċa, I was invited to cradle the weekly literary page. Since then I honored this commitment on regular basis, dedicating many hours on reviewing local publications, encouraging young writers and presenting their works, while at times providing the readers with different point of views about the local literary scenario.

During the last decade research kept me on tiptoes almost daily. I started to read the interesting and never stale writings of Juan Mamo.  Then I went deeper and managed to find many more of his works in the local newspapers. So, in 2007 I published the book Juan Mamo: Ħajtu u Ħilietu, in which I presented unpublished writing provided by his daughter.

One thing I never believed to go through happened early in 2003 when a very close friend of mine, and president of a local band club, begged me to write their 125 year history. It took me over a month to decide, and I only said yes after consulting some of their early documents and provided that I was free to weave their history together with the village and national social, religious and political history. This book, Ħal Luqa u l-Banda tagħha l-Unjoni was published in 2005.

I never thought that this experience will lead or force me to spend some five more years researching the history of the local philharmonic societies of our islands. But it had to be this way, and with great efforts and dedications I managed to finish two more books dedicated to philharmonic societies. Both will hopefully be published before the end of this year.

I never asked myself how I write, but why I write. There is always something building up in my mind. One of the worst feelings is that when you materialize your thought, at times, they do not have the same impact as when they were being brewed in your mind.  I write because I feel that I have to and, that I have something to write about. But, the way I write is hopefully the how and what the readers enjoy between the covers of the book.

Thursday 2 February 2012

Malta remains of Atlantis


Back in 1974, I remember discussing with my friend, today late Louis Borg Bonaci, how to get away from the daily tiresome routine and enjoy some free time in the countryside. After a few months of experiencing the fresh air and beautiful views of the countryside we realized that there was a lot of places that we hardly knew even existed on our islands. But the most tantalizing walks were those that took us to the Maltese archaeological sites where we had time to admire the unexplainable abilities of our prehistoric ancestors.
            I can still recall the day back in 1977 when we visited the sister island of Gozo and spent a whole day at the temple of Ggantija. Gradually we noticed the unfathomable inheritance left by these highly skilled builders. Being accustomed to carry pen and paper wherever I go, it became a habit to take notes and discuss my feelings with my friend while keeping a sort of diary. All this encouraged me to engage in further reading about the subject.
            Being in the habit of purchasing non-fiction and occult books, I was well acquainted with the abilities of old and lost civilizations such as the Egyptians, Mayas, Incas, Greeks, Mycenaean and Etruscans of the Mediterranean. Together with two friends, I used to go book-hunting and must have visited almost every bookshop in the major villages of Malta, carrying loads of books back home. After reading about the antiquities of these ancient kingdoms, the obvious question was why the Maltese Islands were not treated the same when the advanced civilization of the temple period  made such an impact around 7,000 years ago! Why did Stonehenge become so popular while more ancient and colossal temples such as Ggantija, Hagar Qim and Mnajdra were not given the same treatment? Many authors like Erich Von Daniken, Charles Berlitz, Andrew Thomas, Robert Charroux and others were then in the limelight, but they barely mentioned Malta.
            My suspicion was that there was some misunderstanding. Most of the writings were in foreign languages and most of the authors left the Maltese Islands out of the Mediterranean scene. It was a relief to find booklets such as the one by A. J. Agius published in 1970 describing the prehistoric cave of Ghar Dalam (Cave of Darkness). Amongst the best publications those by D. H. Trump and J. D. Evans were most helpful. Their books, together with two booklets one about Malta and the other about Gozo compiled by Harrison Lewis served my intentions to pursue those walks. Lewis’ book, Ancient Malta (1977) really affected me. Every visit to Ghar Dalam raised more questions than answers and, instead of writing I spent most of the time thinking and observing, as if the coldness, the humidity and solitude worked on my brains in an unusual way. I had to re-visit this cave again and again to reassure myself regarding the past and the size of the Maltese Islands!
            My next step was the National Library in Valletta. Authors, book titles, hours of sifting and questioning which led me to a certain Arthur Issel one of the first to give his impressions about Ghar Dalam cave. Issel made things worse for me when he disagreed with George Grognet de Vassè regarding Malta being the remains of Atlantis. Since I was born at Mosta, I was under the impression that this architect spent most of his life working and trying to convince the villagers that the Dome for Mosta church would stand without reinforcement and columns. All this reminded me about what Harrison Lewis wrote in page 47 of his book:
            "Malta is not known to have been inundated by the sea since the ice age, it is not in the Atlantic beyond the Gates of Hercules, nor did it rule Lybia and Egypt, but it could have been all that was said of the Lost Atlantis from the viewpoint of its achievements."
            While reading Grognet’s researched works I learned not only that the subject of archaeology was a vast ocean to navigate, but above everything that every find shrouded with mysteries takes years to analyse and understand. I worked intensely on the theme of the Maltese Islands and their position in the centre of the Mediterranean. Referring to my notes, I expanded the ideas that came to my mind, giving full attention to the supposition that Malta was part of the land-bridge that joined Europe with North Africa.
            I never had any specific idea if and when to publish my findings, but my friends used to insist and encourage me to work harder to see this research in book form. The problem was that I had collected notes and references that would result in a clumsy volume of about five hundred pages. But, with the idea to enhance public awareness and instill further appreciation towards the crafts and trades of our ancestors who built the temples, I decided on publishing this book with the main data and substantiated research available, first in the Maltese language titled Malta fdal Atlantis in 2002. I also decided on a Maltese version because I always desired to make the Maltese people more conscious and aware of the priceless archaeological remains on these small islands. Although I carried out the research on my own I had quite a lot of unfinished information which I was forced to leave out of the Maltese version. So, this publication is not only a translation but a revised edition. Since the Malta-Atlantis theme was very much discussed during those years, it was my duty to present this historical research right away.
            From the conclusions reached during these long years of research I started to believe that it would have been far better if the islands of Malta and Gozo were not populated again after the disappearance of the temple people.

            To begin with the study of the prehistory of the Maltese islands we must make an effort to go back in time hoping to be able to recall those times and recreate those ancient cultures. It is crystal clear today, that most of what we possess and believe to have invented, could have been popular and in use somewhere and somehow in the past. The power of thinking is unique to humans. And more thoughts arise from the intermixture of people with various societies. Thoughts accumulate in the brains of individuals until such time when they are ripe enough to be transformed into material forms.
            On the other hand, if we really want to analize that which is still kept in the dark and has been very scantily written about, firstly we have to put aside all that we have been conditioned to believe. The history of man happened on a period of thousands of years during which many changes took place.  Apart from events of upheavels and turmoils that changed the face of the earth through past ages, some or parts of these changes were surely caused by man himself. So, when we are on the verge of discussing archaeological topics and the remains left by our forgotten ancestors, it would be wiser not to focus on the way that we live today. It also helps if we put aside other obstacles such as our present culture, religion, habits and other contemporary ways of thinking that did not exist or else were moulded in different forms and concepts.
            The development from the early Stone Age to the Stone Age in its highest level and that of the later Stone Age does not reflect the same progress in all parts of the world. There were those advanced societies that moved forward and also those societies who, in their environment or isolation could not keep pace with the rest. Other parts of the world remained uninhabited and had to wait for hundreds of years to be visited by man. A clear case in point is the events of civilization in Malta. Man started to build the temples at around 5,600 years ago while the first pyramid in Egypt was built 4,530 years ago and Stonehenge in Britain was built 4,000 years ago. Writing way back in 1781, Edward Gibbon declared that Stonehenge was transported by giants from Africa to Ireland, and later on moved again to Britain by the order of Ambrosius, and the art of Merlin.[1] Geoffrey Ashe agrees with Gibbon and comments that, “In the far-off times before the Trojans, when the giants came from Africa, they settled in Ireland as well as Albion’s isle. The finest monument of their whole race was the work of its Irish branch. These had brought with them a cargo of immense, long-shaped African stones, which they stood upright in a circle on a hill in County Kildare.”[2] The temples of the Maltese archipelago are the oldest, unique stone structures in the world. Further on we’ll read that giants also feature in Maltese legends, and the huge stones mentioned by Ashe can still be admired in the Maltese temples.
The international society is going through a similar process today when we consider what is happening around us compared with the slow progress in Third World countries where in certain areas, living is still almost similar to that of Neolithic societies. But while society is advancing, there are evil elements that seem to push it towards its own destruction. Good and evil move forward together at the same rhythm. In that way, a society may move closer to the edge of self-destruction. Progress is not a free process. Nothing happens on its own, but is due to the cause and effect of decisions, ambitions and advancements of generations after generations. This scenery is better understood if we look at the pains suffered by humanity during the last two world wars, and  understand that with the progress achieved during the past fifty years, another world war can easily eradicate humanity.
            The Maltese islands are made up of Malta, Gozo and Commino which are inhabited, while Comminotto, Filfla and the island of Selmunett or Saint Paul’s are barren. There are various interpretations of how the islands of this archipelago got their names, and it is appropriate to see beyond the explanations given. The name Malta was often written Melit, Melite, Melitae, while Diodorus Siculus calls it Melita. In his writing, Siculus praised the Maltese artisans as highly skilled craftsmen in various trades. Apart from the Semitic grassroots it is believed that this name came from the Near East. Early last century, Father Emanuel Magri collected information from aged people in Maltese villages who used to pronounce the word, Môlta in the vernacular, derived from the word Malet, that means jimlat (provides shelter). This name or nickname may indicate that the island was a rocky and barren place becoming greener with cultivation; or may also mean a haven (stkenn), since from the beginning navigators used to find refuge in our ports.[3] (Add A.A.Caruana) Later on after further research, Father Magri found that around 150 years before present (b.p.) or 2,150 years ago those people had the Phoenician’s alphabet (Feneh or Fenici) and the letters ANN,[4] meaning ship and, insisted that:
            "The first one is alef, that can be read as an A, or in Maltese as an H; but in the word you have to add the vowels, because our forefathers never used vowels. So you either get ’ANIN, or HANIN, or ’ANAN, choose whatever you want and you will find a word, that after thousands of years during which that name was never mentioned, it is not strange that it became ONINU, to make it similar to the word Ta or with T-oninu. Anan is a name which used to be given by the Jews, and so did our forefathers.
            Now what can be the meaning of Anan or Anin used on the coins of our capital city, since it is not its name? In those days when these coins were in circulation, man used to reproduce the face and name of the city builders on their coins…and on our coins one finds a bearded man who might have been T-Aninu’s father.
            I still cannot say the last word about all this.
            The wise men of the world argue quite a lot about the three letters ANN."[5]
            Regarding Gozo’s name, De Soldanis wrote that it came from the word Gaulos, when he said that in the olden days this small island was called Caula, Cauda and Caudex. Strabo called it Gaudos while Diadorus Siculus called it Gaulo. Although he mentioned the legend of Ulysses written by Homer and the link of the island of Gozo with that of Ogygia, the historian preferred not to comment on Homer’s poetic legend.[6]
The Maltese Islands together total to around 320 square kilometers. Their position almost in the centre of the Mediterranean puts them 96 kilometers to the south of Sicily and 290 kilometers to the north of Libya. Most of the land is low with small fields sheltered within low rubble walls, with a lot of barren land, deep dry valleys and cliffs towards the south west. But still, the islands have many bays and useful ports that over the past millennia attracted many powerful empires.[7] The climate is mostly warm and becomes colder between December and February when the islands enjoy most of the annual rainfall of about 600 millimeters. The air is humid. All these ingredients together with the geographical position give an identity to the Maltese islands that distinguishes them from other islands in the Mediterranean and also from the lands whose shores are in the Mediterranean sea.
            In order to sum up the results from various ideas and investigations in an effort to recreate the situation of Malta in the Mediterranean context of 12,000 years ago, it seems not only fair to consider that Malta, Gozo and Commino were part of a larger piece of land, but also that that land was Atlantis. So one must note that:
1.       The Maltese soil was not imported to the islands, and in spite of their size, throughout the ages it was not swept towards the sea;
2.       The formation of the wide and deep valleys that move towards the north east;
3.       The faults, mainly the grand fault traversing from Fomm ir-Rih to Madliena;
4.       The sharp falls of the cliffs looking towards Filfla similar to those in Gozo;
5.       The mysterious network of the cart-ruts some of which continue under sea-level or towards the edge of cliffs;
6.       The number of sholes out at sea around the islands;
7.       The vast quantity of elephant and hippopotamus bones found at Ghar Dalam and other caves.
            When investigating prehistory, the easiest solution is to believe that those bygone societies lived in isolated dark caves. The way history is taught in our schools reflects the type of rational analysis in the eighteenth century when man managed to break certain frontiers, especially in the fields of science when he measured the circumference of the earth. In fact it was the Greek scholar Eratosthenses (276-194 b.p.) who determined the circumference of the Earth to be 252,000 stadia, and also measured with accuracy the tilt of the earth’s axis and its distance from the sun and moon.
Recent and still on going research showed that there were societies who we never believed that they could have survived. Some societies had the ability to measure the days to form the calendar, draft maps for navigation, and things we thought were only invented during the last three hundred years. Archaeological finds brought to light societies that reflected a cultural origin and a history woven with technological advancements still to be observed in the pottery for their daily needs to the construction of tools and colossal temples built with huge stones. Gradually most of what was considered to be myth or legend, such as Troy, the story of Homer and Virgil, the legend of King Arthur and others proved to be part of our history. So we would not be day-dreaming if we persist in researching about a world advanced civilization or a civilization concentrated in one locality which later on spread to other countries by trading with the rest of the world.
Studying old maps such as those by Piri Re’is, Lehudi Ibn Ben Zara of Alexandria, those by Hipparchus and Claudius Ptolemy and others show that they might have worked on old lost maps that served as guidelines. Turkish Admiral Piri Re’is map dating early in 1500 shows different geographical details including the shores of Antarctica when it was not covered with ice. This indicates that Piri Re’is consulted maps drawn by a lost civilization with knowledge about Antarctica and these maps suffered the same destiny of many ancient libraries. Amongst these we find the library of Alexandria erected in 300 b.p. and was burnt three times. The destruction and vandalism occurred during the reign of Julius Caesar, later on by Catholic fanatics and finally the library was totally annihilated in the seventh century when the Arabs conquered Egypt. The Roman Empire had its share in the destruction of the library in Carthage in 146 b.p. and so another gold mine of information and evidence about early Mediterranean civilizations was lost. But it seems that from the few samples of written knowledge that survived, there is ample evidence that the people of this civilization were so advanced to be able to produce their own maps. This means that they had boats for navigation, and also shows that their culture was a developed one.[8]
            It is part of the traditional Maltese culture as a small island to either overestimate the performance and individual abilities, or else lose confidence and prefer foreign to local services and products. This research will demand a balanced view. We need to be self critical, above all, able to select and sift right from wrong. As a starting point on this voyage where we are about to tread and search for the lost old events before the islands of Malta took their present form, it will be best to quote one of the conclusions reached by Professor John Borg. This great Maltese botanist and scholar who made a name for himself and his country, in one of his essays written early in the twentieth century, stated that:
            "Finally the tradition of the submerged Atlantis to which many ancient writers refer, and which when deprived of its legendary character will be found to apply to the submerged land between Malta and Africa. This submersion must have happened in the quaternary period, and at an epoch when the land was already inhabited by a civilized prehistoric people of which the Kabyli and Berbers of North Africa are possibly the survivors. It is the duty of local archaeologists to try to unravel this legend and to separate the real from the unreal; and I am confident that the solution of this mystery will throw much light on the significance of the prehistoric monuments in Malta and the other countries bordering the Mediterranean."[9]
            In the narration of Saint Paul’s shipwreck, described by Saint Luke in the Acts of the Apostles, translater P.P.Saydon added a note that the Greek word Barbaroi referred to people that spoke any foreign language that was not Greek. From various inscriptions it is believed that in those days the Maltese used to speak a Punic tongue derived from the Phoenician language.
            Many conclude that with the passage of time it is more difficult to get answers for various questions. It might be more difficult if the subject under observation apart from falling victim to natural elements such as earthquakes, has been handled and tackled many times by some who expressed different opinions. But in the case of Malta, the geologists, archaeologists and researchers have no excuses. They still have the islands and the surrounding shores and shallow seas to investigate. In this context we are going to investigate the forgotten dark corners where we hope to find the key that opens the gateway on ancient events.
            What would have been the size of the Maltese islands if they did not suffer the strong tremours along the south westerly coast? What was the meaning and purpose of the cart-ruts before most of them where buried or destroyed while others sank due to the changes in sea levels? What remains unrevealed in the solitude of the temples and from what point of view should we observe them to understand the capabilities of their builders? What explanations exist for the depth and directional slope of the valleys that empty their waters towards the north east? What solutions are missing to decipher the meaning of the spirals, the small statues and figurines, the stone from Tal-Qâdi and the stone from Hagar Qim sculptured on four sides with the tree of life? What should we look for at Ghar Dalam to recreate the scenario of 12,000 years ago? What upheavels occurred in the Mediterranean and what are the remains on the Maltese shores that may indicate the events suffered by our forefathers? What strength and methods were used by the temple builders to plan, quarry, dress, carry and handle the huge stones that form the dolmens and the temple walls? Who and how were established the legends about giants, the golden calf and the Maltese boat?
            Professor Themistocles Zammit, a pioneer of Maltese archaeology and first curator at the Museum of Archaeology, always insisted that the Maltese islands were a commercial hub in the Mediterranean. Apart from their stategic position, Zammit took into consideration the great number of temples on such small islands, the availability of their ports and above all the tremendous amount of remains found at Ghar Dalam. He wrote:
            "…it is well to give a summary description of the prehistoric monuments which still exist in order to show how thickly populated these islands were in early days, and how advanced were the primitive inhabitants in the art of building and in that of making pottery. Of a Paleolithic civilization we have not yet any convincing proofs, although potsherds and, presumably, worked stones have been found in connection with exuviae of locally extinct animals, such as the elephant and the hippopotamus."[10]
            Around 3,500 years ago and maybe a little earlier as well, the Phoenicians, a highly cultured civilization based on commerce and navigation, visited the Maltese islands. Father Magri never believed in the name Phoenicians which was given to them by the Greeks but was of the opinion that their real name was Feneh. He also came to the conclusion that a branch of these people came to the Maltese islands at around 1,700 b.p. when the islands were not inhabited. Magri goes on to recall that our forefathers were called Saracens (Saracini from the word Xarakijun, that means from the East). In the same manner the wind blowing from Syria known as the south east was baptised Xlokk from the word Sirocc.[11] In 822 b.p. the mighty Phoenicians began to lose power and the Maltese islands fell in the hands of the Carthagenians while some time later emerged the Roman Empire. Because of the greediness for power and supremacy in the Mediterranean, in a stretch of one hundred years between 264 to 146 b.p. three Punic wars were fought in which Carthage was destroyed and the Maltese islands were conquered by the Roman Empire at around 216 b.p.
            It so happened that towards the end of the Punic wars, Rome had already been influenced by the administrative model, costumes and lifestyle, of the Greeks. It is believed that Greek ideas had already reached the Maltese shores way back during the Phoenician period, and a cippus found at Marsaxlokk, Malta had inscriptions of both languages. Magri, who was well read, also wrote that the Greeks picked a lot from our forefather’s sayings and that some of the Maltese tales and narrative stories are far wiser than those of the Greeks. To submit further reference that the Maltese islands were in the centre of the happenings of past millennia, and that they influenced renowned cultures such as those of the Greeks and Egyptians, Magri continued to write that: "…the Maltese and the Maltese rulers used to dress our gods like those of the Egyptians, and this custom continued up to the time of the coming of Christ, as everyone can notice on the Maltese coins manufactured during the first years of the cruel Roman administration."[12]
            It is estimated that locally produced coins during the Roman period date after 212 b.p. The deity on these coins was attributed to Melkart, Eshmun and even Baal Hammon; but all scholars seem to agree on the Punic letters ANN stamped on them. The figure represented in the following issues were all female goddesses including Isis, Tanit and Juno.  So, in spite of the change in administration the Punic influence was still evident for most of the Roman occupation.[13]
It is obvious today that although quite a lot of research has been done and written about ancient Malta, this is not enough. Many new finds must be given credit, new sites explored and old ideas re-discussed. The cisterns found at Misqa, around 200 meters towards the north of the temple of Mnajdra stimulate the mind of any researcher. At this location, Dr. Louis Vella found a five meter graffiti of a hawk, the image of a man, a flower, another type of unknown animal and a snake.[14] Apart from the resemblance of these graffiti with those of the Egyptians mostly regarding the hawk and the snake, they also remind us of such drawings found in caves in the Mediterranean area - all of them reflecting the first symbolic expressions of early man who tried to communicate by means of these images! Other related links with these two civilizations is the Maltese dog also known locally as Kelb tal-Fenek (Rabbit hunting Dog). Incidentally, when bread elsewhere the name Rabbit Dog was unacceptable and so it was registered as Pharaoh Hound. The Greek writers Pliny and Strabo both mention the Maltese dog who was believed that it cured human ailments. Back in 1647, Maltese historian G. F. Abela wrote about this particular dog. Here it is interesting to note that this dog’s tail is curled similar to the Maltese spirals. Another point to investigate is the Maltese bull or ox.
Our forefathers, who everyone thought that they had no language, surely had some means of communication developed by their tools and trades. Modern humans appeared some two hundred years ago while their development towards modern behaviour started not more than 50,000 years ago. Deacon writes: "In the two million years since the introduction of symbolic communication, alternative modes for expressing symbolic information have been in competition with one another, much in the way that alternative pronunciation of words compete for representation in future generations."[15]
            It will be very unrealistic to presume that the temple builders who, apart from building the temples studied and planned where, how and why to build the temples, simply with just some sort of sign language. So the civilization that inhabited the landmass which included the Maltese islands had a spoken language and the basic elements of written signs. After all that is why we classify it as prehistory, because history was not written. Then, as we shall see in the following chapters, most of this early civilization vanished together with most of the landmass. Then, the remaining few survivors on these small islands must have been visited by various peoples including those from Anatolia and Sicily with the greatest influence coming from Sidon and Tyrol, the principal Phoenician cities. So that old language which must have been used by the temple builders became gradually interwoven with the Phoenician language. Later on came the Punic, a Semitic offshoot of the Phoenician. All this shows that the Maltese language was a living language like all the other languages that have common characteristics, and which cannot be claimed to be Phoenician or Arabic. But there is a difference between race and language. So all this will never hint at who are or who were the Maltese. To carry on with this research it would be wiser to tackle the question of race and origin of the first inhabitants in another chapter.        
This leads us to cross-examine two paths that we have to take at the same time. First that we still are not sure about the first people that lived on the Maltese islands or a bigger land continent, before the arrival of the Phoenicians; and what happened to that population if the Phoenicians found the islands almost uninhabited. Secondly, that in the interval between the date when Solon visited Egypt and the time when Plato wrote Timaeus and Critias, the Mediterranean countries went through successive changes while Malta had already established itself above certain cultures which were considered far greater. So, the wars, manipulations and greed for power, strategic position and colonization were the sole priorities expressed in the major works of the authors who transmitted the historical events in their writings.

[1] Gibbon, Edward The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol.II (1994) p. 495.
[2] Ashe, Geoffrey Mythology of the British Isle (2001) p. 31.
[3] Magri, Emanuel S.J. X’jgħid il-Malti jew Ħrejjef Missirijietna - Mogħdija taż-Żmien, Nru. 29(1903) p.21.
[4] Jobes, Gertrude Dictionary of Mythology, Folklore and Symbols (1962) Vol. 1, p. 99 The author writes: "Feminine name from the Greek, meaning grace. Also derived from An (Sun) and from Ana, Chaldean for heaven, Sanskrit for mother and from Anu, Assyrian for All-Father. "
[5] Magri, E. X’jgħid il-Malti fuq Missirijietna u l-Iġganti M.Ż. No. 38-39, (1904) p.107-8.
[6] Agius, De Soldanis Gozo: Ancient and Modern Religious and Profane (written in 1746). See the English version of 1998, Vol.1 p.42.
[7] Apart from the civilization or civilizations of prehistory, the Maltese Islands were co-habited or ruled by the Phoenicians in 850 b.p.; Carthaginians 690 b.p.; Romans in 218 b.p.; Byzantines 395-870; Arabs 870-1090; Normans 1090-114; Hofenstaufen of Swabia 1194-1268; Angovines 1268-1284; Aragonese 1284-1412; Castellanians 1412-1530; Knights of St. John 1530-1798; French 1798-1799 and finally the British from 1800-1979.
[8] Hapgood, Charles H. Maps of the Ancient Sea Kings (1996) p.193.
[9] Borg, John Remains of the Prehistoric Flora of Malta (1910) p.43.
[10] Macmillan, Allister Malta and Gibraltar Illustrated (1915) p.186. Article written by Temi Zammit.
[11] Magri, M.Z. (1904) Nr. 38-39, p.9-10.
[12] Magri, M.Z. No. 38-39, pp.121-122.
[13] Sammut, Joseph C. Currency in Malta (2001), p.2.
[14] The Sunday Times, 22.10.2000, pp.56-7, Prehistoric petroglyphs found near Misqa 'tanks' on the Maghlaq plateau, written by Dr. Louis Vella.
[15] Deacon, Terrence, The Symbolic Species (1997) p. 353.

Thursday 13 October 2011

Il-ħsieb letterarju

            Naqblu li f’pajjiżna, il-poeżija ftit li xejn infittxuha.  Ftit ferm huma dawk li jaqraw il-poeżija, u allura, bir-raġun kollu l-bejgħ tal-kotba tal-poeżiji huwa baxx ħafna. Minn dak li naraw u nħossu, bil-korrispondenza li nirċievu, ftit wisq huma dawk li jitħajru, jew iħossu l-ġibda li jiktbu l-poeżija. Imbagħad, ftit fuq li ftit huma dawk li jippubblikaw il-poeżija.
            Issib awturi, li titkellem magħhom u jgħidulek li jekk jaslu li jippubblikaw xogħlijiethom fi ktieb ta’ poeżiji – jispiċċaw biex iqassmu l-kotba lill-ħbieb. Minn dan nintebħu li, minbarra li fil-karattru tiegħu l-poeta huwa xi ftit riservat, maqtugħ għalih waħdu,  il-ħajja tal-poeta qed tkompli tingħalaq. F’pajjiżna ftit li xejn jeżisti ftuħ fejn il-poeta jista’ jesprimi lilu nnifsu. Jitkellem dwar dak li jkun qed iħoss u xi jkun qed jikteb.
            Allura qed nispiċċa bil-parti l-kbira ta’ dawk li jiktbu l-poeżija, jagħmlu dan bħala sfog. Jiktbu u jħallu l-poeżiji maqfula f’xi ktejjeb, f’xi kexxun. It-tama tagħhom hija biss, li xi paġna letterarja bħal din tagħtihom ftit spazju fejn ikunu jistgħu jimirħu. Fejn jaraw il-versi tagħhom jidhru iswed fuq l-abjad, bit-tama li jinqraw.
            Ninsabu kuntenti li din il-paġna letterarja tintlaqa’ tajjeb minn udjenza mħawra u miftuħa. Tkellmu magħna żgħażagħ, u anke anzjani ta’ ’l fuq minn tmenin sena li jsegwu dak li nwasslu kull nhar ta’ Ħadd. Dan huwa ta’ nkoraġġiment kbir, iżda mhux biżżejjed biex il-poeta jilħaq l-għanijiet tiegħu. Il-poeta jinħtieġ l-inkoraġġiment tal-pubblikazzjoni, il-wens tal-qarrejja mal-kritika kostruttiva tagħhom, flimkien ma’ għarfien f’kull livell ieħor tal-ħajja.
            Għalhekk, bilfors li l-argument tagħna jmur lejn is-sistema edukattiva ta’ pajjiżna. U hawn nistaqsu: x’inhu l-mod li bih qed tiġi ppreżentata u mgħallma l-poeżija Maltija? Liema poeżiji qed jinqraw lill-istudenti tagħna?  Liema poeti qed jitressqu quddiem l-istudenti biex jistudjawhom u jikkritikawhom? U dan kollu kif qed isir? 
            Jekk dawn il-miri se jibqgħu mmirati u ffukati fuq l-istess poeti m’aħna se naslu mkien.  Jekk se nibqgħu ntambru fuq l-istess sistema ta’ tagħlim li ma ħallietx riżultati pożittivi, m’aħniex se nilħqu l-miri meħtieġa u mistennija. Jekk it-tagħlim se jibqa’ mibni fuq l-għan li l-istudent jgħaddi mill-eżami – ma nkunu għamilna l-ebda qabża ’l quddiem. Jekk fuq kollox se ngħallmu l-poeżija għar-raġuni li din tinsab imdeffsa fil-kurrikulu, m’aħna se nġarrfu qatt il-ħitan li qed ixekklu l-poeżija u l-poeti.
            Żgur li wasal il-waqt li nfasslu qafas ġdid dwar kif għandha tiġi ppreżentata l-poeżija lill-ġenerazzjoni żagħżugħa tal-lum u ta’ għada. Żgur li wasal iż-żmien li ngħaddu l-ktieb f’idejn uliedna bħala rigal, bħala ħabib – u mhux aktar bħala dixxiplina għax mingħajru ma jaslux li jilħqu fejn iridu. Diġa` xħetna pass lejn direzzjoni ħażina meta bħala sostitut għall-ktieb instab il-mezz tan-noti. Għax bin-noti jkun hemm tagħrif biżżejjed biex l-istudent – flok iqatta’ ċertu ammont ta’ ħin fuq il-ktieb – jgħaddi n-noti u jkollu l-bażi, jekk mhux aktar ukoll biex iwieġeb il-mistoqsijiet fil-karta tal-eżami.
            X’kien ir-riżultat minn din l-esperjenza? Tfal u żgħażagħ jgħaddu s-snin tal-iskola f’ġirja sħiħa sa ma jaslu għall-eżamijiet u jeħilsu. Mingħajr ma ddedikajna ħin biżżejjed biex nuruhom is-sabiħ tal-qari, il-benna li tinstab fil-ktieb innifsu. Żgur li għadna l-bogħod mill-metodu li bih għandna ngħaddu l-ktieb lill-istudenti, b’mod li jgħożżuh u jibqgħu jfittxuh anke wara li jiksbu ċ-ċertifikati jew jiggradwaw.
            Għalhekk hu meħtieġ li nibdlu t-triq.  Nibdlu s-sistema. Nintroduċu uċuħ u ideat oħrajn biex bihom inwasslu l-ktieb u l-kontenut tiegħu b’aktar għaqal u mħabba. Forsi wkoll wasal iż-żmien li nibdlu l-ktieb innifsu biex dan ikun aktar ilellex, aktar ħabib, aktar żagħżugħ. U dan jista’ jsir billi jkun hemm parteċipazzjoni u firxa sħiħa ta’ kitbiet. Ngħidu aħna, fil-poeżiji ppreżentati lill-istudenti, kemm hemm poeżiji li jirriflettu ħsibijiet dwar il-ġrajjiet kurrenti? Kemm hemm poeżiji li nistgħu nqisuhom bħala l-mera taż-żmien post-kolonjali, tal-mużika moderna, tal-moda u l-istil tal-ħajja bis-sabiħ u l-ikreħ tagħha li tinbidel mal-milja tas-snin?
            Dan juri wkoll li l-poeta għandu jkun ukoll modern. Għandu joħroġ minn kamartu, jterraq fit-toroq tan-nies, iħoss l-ajma u d-daħk tal-kotra u minn hemm jitnebaħ jew tal-inqas jasal biex iżejjen il-poeżija bl-idjoma ta’ ħsus il-poplu. Irridu ngħallmu u nuru li l-poeżija, minnha nfisha hija arti. Arti li tgħodd ferm għall-ħajja mgħaġġla ta’ llum. U dan mhux l-ewwel darba li għednieh u wassalnieh minn din il-paġna. L-Arti tal-poeta hija li fi ftit kliem jgħid u jwassallek storja li ssoltu trid kwarta jew aktar biex taqra u tifhem. Fil-ħajja mgħaġġla ta’ llum forsi mhux la kemm issib kwarta…iżda żgur li ssib tliet minuti biex taqra poeżija!
U nerġgħu lura lejn fejn bdejna.  Il-poeta qed jagħmel dan kollu biex ikun imfittex mill-qarrejja? U, il-poeta qed jingħata dan l-isfog biex wara li jimraħ u jikteb it-tnebbih, jara x-xogħol tiegħu mwassal lill-qarrejja u, fuq kollox lill-istudenti li huma l-ġenerazzjoni ta’ għada?